Making The Dolls

Katherine's Collection head office and show room is like a hidden gem 

In the work shop is where you will see Tom Strine work bench with all his special tools scattered about, Tom has been working at Katherine's Collection since 2003 and his main key roll is making the hand sculptured dolls Tom has always played with clay and has alway been his passion since childhood, he has worked with many big well known names before he started Katherine's Collection and as from this day he still works at his bench in work shops.

Tom hand sculptors each theme doll until tom is happy with the out come of the doll, Once the doll has been created its down to the next stage to think of giving the doll inlayed eyes this has to be done before the clay drys or hand painted eyes that can be done when the clay is dry. 

The doll then goes to the next stage of the designers to start drawing the costumes to be made for each doll then Wayne Kleski and his team head to many places to try and find the right materials and lace for the dolls its never straight forward in finding the right fabrics but wayne and his team always end up finding the right materials they need to make these lovely creations.

The next stage the design team cut the fabric and stitching by hand the costume and placing all the trims and buttons, once this has been done the hair is ready false eyelashes then hand painted makeup and once arm's and legs are attached to the body, the doll's dress is placed on the doll the dolls name is chosen and the theme comes to life.

Did you know that each doll can take up to six months to make wow thats dedication at its best!


  1. I got a Wayne Klaski doll on Ebay which is in mint condition but for the fact she has one hand missing - her name is "Lolipop" could you advise me on where I could get this "body part' - I love love the doll. My email is ----------- under comment you have my son's old email address, I have no idea why but please respond to -------Christiane Shertz/Merci/Thank you

  2. I have a large fairy Angel with hooks on her shoulders, it could hang ( like flying) I have photos .I am wondering who or what it is exactly. The name is wayne klaski
